Pretty and strong guys!

First our house
Then it was here!
this height ...
How did they do that?! Well, here is my attempt
at photojournalism....

First they
removed Our
fireplace too Then they sort of
shaved They propped up the porch
the plaster off the side
of the house
Then the real work began. Solares Housemovers came in.
I have
never seen men work so hard...
6 by 6 blocks of
wood Like
Janga! Then the big toys came
in Crane
Stacked up
6 stacks
in all - in
the THE
Solares Brother
important pressure points
They steered 20'
The beams were
placed One of
the steel beams
beams through the gaping
holes atop of
the cribs had
to be carried by hand to the rear
in the front and rear of our
of the house!

Slowly they used hand jacks to
raise the beams to the top of the
sliding the 6 by 6 cribs in as they
Once the house was balanced on the beams (only one large
"Crack!"), there was no need for walls!

No need for
these Or
Take 'em away Last few
boards Yeah, we got in
on the action
While we were having fun with the sawzall, the hydraulic jacks
were gaining 3000 psi of pressure.
Then, when the beams were all level, and there was nothing
attached to the foundation,
they let the hydraulic jacks do their work. Mighty fast
the house levitated like a Houdini magic trick!

Jacks Compressor and Hoses
TA DA!!!!

Now we need an
And there is
Our new friend
ladder to climb into the house way
down in front
in Dublin